Desktop Publishing (DTP)

The objective of the course is to provide the participants understanding of the techniques essential to build their career in desktop publishing using suitable hardware and software tools. This course offers a range of topics of immediate relevance to industry and makes the participants exactly suitable for DTP Industry.


  • Getting started with Corel Draw,
  • Introduction to Corel Draw, Features of Corel Draw,
  • Corel Draw Interface, Tool Box
  • Moving from Adobe Illustrator to Corel Draw
  • Common Tasks
  • Drawing and Coloring, Selecting Objects 
  • Creating Basic Shapes, Reshaping Objects
  • Organizing objects,
  • Applying color fills and Outlines
  • Mastering with Text, Text Tool
  • Artistic and paragraph text
  • Formatting Text, Embedding Objects into text,
  • Wrapping Text around Object
  • Linking Text to Objects
  • Applying Effects, Power of Blends Distortion
  • Contour Effects, Envelopes
  • Lens effects, Transparency, Creating Depth Effects
  • Power Clips
  • Working with Bitmap Commands
  • Editing Bitmaps, Applying effects on Bitmaps
  • Printing
  • Web resources, Internet Tool bar
  • Setting your web-page,
  • Exporting files
  • Creating buttons with rollover effects 
  • Designing a Visiting Card, Brochure, Letterhead
  • Final Project


  • Getting Acquainted with Photoshop
  • Basic Image Manipulation
  • Color Basics
  • Painting Tools
  • Brush Settings
  • Making Selections
  • Filling and stroking
  • Layers & Advanced Layers tools
  • Text & Drawing
  • Using Channels and Masking
  • Manipulating images
  • Getting to know the work area
  • Using Adobe Bridge
  • Basic Photo Corrections
  • Retouching and Repairing
  • Working with selections
  •  Masks and channels
  • Correcting and enhancing digital photographs
  • Topographic design
  • Vector drawing techniques
  • Advanced Layer techniques
  • Vector Composting
  • Creating Links within an image
  • Creating rollover web visuals
  • Animating GIF images for the web
  • Producing and printing consistent color


  • Introduction Interface Ruler, Guides, Grids, Workspace Toolbox Pen tool Pencil tool Basic Shapes 
  • Paint brush tool 
  • Transform Order Layers
  • Wrap Tool, Twirl tool, Pucker tool, Erase Tool, Bloat tool, Scallop tool, Crystallize tool, Wrinkle tool
  • Symbol spray tool, Symbol shiften tool, Symbol scruncher, Symbol sizer, Symbol spinner, Symbol staine, Symbol screener, Symbol styler
  • (Graph tool)Column graph tool, Stacked column graph tool, Bar graph tool, Stacked graph tool, Line graph tool, Area graph tool, Scattered graph tool
  • Text options 
  • Object Menu –Path, Blend, Envelope Distort, Live paint, Live trace, Crop Clipping Mask
  • Mesh Gradient 
  • Filters –Illustrator filters, Create Distort, Stylize, Photoshop filters
  • Illustrator effects, Convert to shape, Distort, transform Photoshop effects 
  • Saving Conversion of Raster to Vector